Are You an Ideal Candidate for Gum Reshaping?

Are You an Ideal Candidate for Gum Reshaping?

March 1, 2022

You might be an ideal candidate for gum reshaping if your gums rest too high on your teeth, making you unhappy with your smile. The technique, also called gum contouring or tissue sculpting, evens out an irregular gum line to give you a smile that makes you proud.


Causes for Uneven Gums


Different factors can result in your gums being too high or too low. Gums covering a significant portion of your tooth can make it look tiny. The problem can result from genetics, health issues, or prescription medications.


If your gums are too high and make your teeth appear longer, the problem often results from gum recession when the gum tissue recedes from the tooth to expose the tooth root. Besides making your teeth appear longer, Gum recession can also lead to severe dental problems like tooth decay and loss of teeth. Gum recession is a sign of periodontal disease deteriorating supporting structures of the teeth.


Gum Reshaping Before and After


If you are contemplating gum reshaping because your gums are too high or too low, you might wonder what the results may be after undergoing a surgical procedure. Let us look at the differences in gum reshaping before and after to make you understand what you can expect.


If you are looking to reshape your gums to enhance the appearance of your smile, you can expect successful results when you undergo gum reshaping near you, giving you the results you desire. Gum reshaping is a procedure not considered medically essential and categorized as a cosmetic treatment.


Many people are undergoing gum reshaping in Vancouver as part of other essential periodontal procedures like Crown lengthening, pocket reduction, and regenerative processes. If you need gum reshaping to add gum tissue after a recession occurred the process is not considered cosmetic and falls under the medically necessary category.


What to Expect from Gum Reshaping Procedures?


Gum reshaping surgery is performed by the dentist near me using scalpels, lasers or radiosurgery. You can inquire with the dentist which technique best suits your specific condition.


Before beginning the reshaping, the dentist must walk you through the procedure to make you understand what precisely you can expect when reshaping your gums. A topical anesthetic might be applied to the area. During gum reshaping surgery, the bone at the front of the tooth’s root also needs removal to deliver optimal long-term measures.


Gum Reshaping Recovery Time


The day you undergo gum reshaping, you must rest and limit the activities. You may require a few days or weeks to see or gums heal entirely. Your dentist in Vancouver, provides specific instructions on what you can do to help the recovery.


You can ease discomfort after the surgical procedure by taking over-the-counter pain relievers as suggested by your dentist v5v 3c1. Just remain cautious not to use aspirin which can cause bleeding. Heat soft and cool foods such as eggs, pasta, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice cream and soft vegetables for the initial few days following the surgery. You must avoid spicy foods or anything with seeds until your gums have healed entirely. Most importantly, you must follow your dentist’s instructions on brushing your teeth during your recovery.


If you experience excessive bleeding and swelling after the gum reshaping procedure or any concerns after the process, do not hesitate to call your dentist for assistance.


Are There Any Risks in Gum Reshaping?


No surgical procedure is without risks, and gum reshaping is not an exception. Sometimes you might experience an allergic reaction to anesthesia in rare cases. A relapse of the gum tissue may also occur.


If you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth and gums, discuss the issue with the nearby dentist to understand whether gum reshaping is suitable for your needs. However, you must remember the results of the procedure will depend on the skill of the professional. Please do not enter any dentist’s office requesting gum reshaping because they might not have the experience necessary to help you achieve your goal. Instead, conduct some research to ensure you are comfortable with the dentist’s abilities. Do not hesitate to ask questions and demand before and after pictures of the procedures they have undertaken to convince yourself you are dealing with the right professional.


If you are unhappy with your smile and think gum reshaping might help you, we recommend you visit Phoenix Dental Implant and Invisalign Center to discuss the procedure with experienced professionals and have it right there without concerns.

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